I Don’t Believe that Non-partisan Is Also Un-biased.

Back in my blog of January 29, 2019 on “Truth” in my discussion on “official” fact gatherers and keepers as sources of truth I mentioned research institutions, non-profits and others.  Beyond exercising our critical thinking skills in general I believe that it is important to understand that “non-partisan” does not mean “unbiased”.

I found that reviewing the definition of each below is a good place to start:

Non-partisan – not a member of or connected with a group or political party


Bias – an inclination of temperament or outlook, especially a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgement


I believe that just because someone or a group claims to be non-partisan does not mean that they don’t have a bias and support or have in common ideas or positions that they share with a partisan individual or group.  For some reason they just don’t want to be up front and acknowledge that fact.  You can be the judge as to why.  Sometimes it is fairly easy to determine inclination or purpose of a group by researching a website for a mission statement or purpose.  But in many instances the language is too generic.  I have then had to see who the founders, board members and contributors are and do research on them, sometimes with surprising results.

In my mind using the term non-partisan is a smoke screen, providing false cover for a bias position.

I’ll look for the truth elsewhere.

Your constructive comments are welcome.

The Fair-minded Thinker